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COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIMER_THRESHOLDFloatcommand_execution_timer__print_duration_after_command_output is silent if the duration is less than this.3
COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIMER_PRECISIONInteger[1]Round durations under 1 second to this many decimal places in the formatted $COMMAND_EXECUTION_DURATION.0
COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIMER_PRINT_DURATION_AFTER_COMMAND_OUTPUTIntegerIf non-zero, print commands' durations after their output, if the duration is longer than COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIMER_THRESHOLD0
COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIMER_FOREGROUNDColor value[2]command_execution_timer__print_duration_after_command_output text colornone, will use your terminal's foreground color
COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIMER_FORMAT"d h m s" or "H:M:S"Format COMMAND_EXECUTION_DURATION according to this scheme. Ignored if COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIMER_PRECISION is non-zero or $COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIMER_DURATION_SECONDS is less than 60 - in those cases, "d h m s" is always used."d h m s"
COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIMER_PREFIXString[3]Prepended to command_execution_timer__print_duration_after_command_output outputnone

For example, to print the duration of at-least-COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIMER_THRESHOLD-second commands in yellow with a blank line separating the command output and the duration,

# .zshrc
# ---snip---


% sleep 3 && echo done

Took 3s # (this line would be yellow)


  1. Maximum precision is limited by the shell. Zsh is precise to the tenth of a nanosecond, so the highest meaningful COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIMER_PRECISION value is 10. ↩︎

  2. Colors can be one of zsh's eight color names (black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan and white; see, an integer 1-255 for an 8-bit color (see, or a #-prefixed 3- or 6-character hexadecimal value for 24-bit color (e.g. #fff, #34d5eb). Support depends on your terminal emulator. ↩︎

  3. COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIMER_PREFIX is printed with prompt expansion. Test with print -P $COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIMER_PREFIX. ↩︎